Steel Shelby Tube Sampler

Shelby tube samplers are thin-walled, hollow steel tubes which are driven into the ground to extract a relatively undisturbed soil sample for use in laboratory tests used to determine density, permeability, compressibility and strength.

Each tube has one end that is chamfered to form a cutting edge and the upper end includes holes for securing the tube to a drive head. Shelby tubes are useful for collecting soils that are particularly sensitive to sampling disturbance including fine cohesive soils and clays.

The tubes can also be used to transport samples back to the lab as well.

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Available Products

3" x 2' (76.2mm x 0.61m) Steel Shelby Tube Sampler
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3" x 2.5' (76.2mm x 0.76m) Steel Shelby Tube Sampler
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Product Details

Standard Tube Size and Material

  • 3.00” x 0.065 Wall ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) A513 HRPO Steel.
  • 24” length.  Custom lengths available upon request.

Complementary Products

  • Shelby tube end caps, for holding the sample in the tube during transportation and storage.
  • Drive heads available upon request.