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Geo-Lok Casing Anchor with Grout Valve
GEO-LOK inclinometer casings are made of ABS pipes with four orthogonal grooves running longitudinally along its inside surface with a spiral control of less than 1/3° per 3 meters of casing. When installed in a borehole, one set of grooves is aligned in the anticipated direction of movement. The grooves act as guides for the wheels of the inclinometer probe, maintaining the orientation of the probe as it traverses the casing.
The proprietary joints of the GEO-LOK inclinometer casing require no glue, rivets or shear wires to connect adjacent sections of pipe. The joints are made by pushing two sections of pipe together and rotating the pre-installed threaded locking collar. The coupling ensures that the grooves of adjacent sections of pipe are aligned to form a continuous track for the inclinometer probe. O-rings at the joint prevent the ingress of water and grout.
Spiral surveys may be performed on deep installations, or where high accuracy is critical. Spiral data allows inclinometer data to be corrected for twisting of the casing that may occur during installation.