OTT Parsivel² - Laser Weather Sensor

Laser precipitation disdrometer measuring all precipitation types.

The OTT Parsivel² is a modern laser disdrometer for comprehensive measurement of all precipitation types. The Parsivel² captures both the size and speed of falling particles, classifying them into one of 32 separate size and velocity classes. The raw data are used to calculate the type, amount, intensity and kinetic energy of the precipitation, the visibility in the precipitation, and the equivalent radar reflectivity.

Available Products

OTT Parsivel² - Laser Weather Sensor
[OTT Parsivel² - Laser Weather Sensor]
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Product Details

  • Precipitation type, intensity, drop size distribution, radar reflectivity
  • Laser (optical)
  • Simultaneous measurement of 32 classes for particle sizes and velocities
  • SDI-12 / RS-485, pulse



  • Accurate – the exact size and speed of every precipitation particle that passes in the measurement area is recorded and from these measurements all relevant meteorological parameters are derived
  • Maintenance-free –  no moving parts or a collection bucket, unlike tipping bucket rain gauges
  • Durable – continuous and precise precipitation data in all environmental conditions with integrated overvoltage protection
  • Energy-efficient – economical electronics and galvanically separate, controllable head heating, providing a power supply that is flexibly designed with minimal power consumption
  • Easy-to-use – integrated USB port configuration and online monitoring for simple PC data review with OTT ASDO user software


Examples of Use

  • Precipitation Measurement: complete precipitation measurement including particle size, volume, and intensity. Precipitation size and type are each calculated into one of 32 classes, as specified by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
  • Monitoring Road Conditions: precipitation amount and composition are combined with general visibility measurements to provide an accurate picture of road conditions
  • Early Flood Warning: when combined with water level sensors, the Parsivel2 is the central component in an early flood warning system
  • Erosion Modeling: kinetic precipitation energy calculated by the Parsivel2, paired with other parameters like ground state or relief, provides a key input for erosion models